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As promised this is a very brief report on my visit to the Central Democratic Party Cmte meeting last night, 3/10/20. It was a partisan affair, obviously!

Mike Feuer announced his intention to run for Mayor and spoke of his concerns regarding price gouging around the coronavirus health emergency. His office is committed to its aggressive prosecution and he requests the public contact his office if price gouging is encountered.

There was a second reading of a bylaws amendment. New LACDP members will be seated in June before the (annual?) June convention.

New LACDP members, of which I am (likely) to become one, are to appoint an “alternate” member who may speak at meetings and vote in my absence. If you have any interest in joining with me as a team in representing the 54th AD Democrats, please contact me! I am especially interested in empowering someone young and politically minded who might otherwise be less enthusiastic about engaging the Party. I am committed to the people of the 54th, not inherently to a specific Democratic club.

A mid-March State Party executive committee meeting has been cancelled surrounding the coronavirus health emergency. The May 1, 2020 “JFK Awards” and fundraising event remains unaffected at this time.

Considerable distress was voiced about the snafus at the polls in March. Many Democrats were disenfranchised from long lines and a host of problems that inhibited voting. I didn’t quite catch whether legal action will follow but it is certainly a matter not being taken lightly. The vote is not yet certified and a County Supervisor’s meeting earlier in the day received a lot of public comment on the serious problem of vote integrity.


p.s.  As always, please just drop an email if you would like to not receive further updates or if you would like to add another address to my list.  Thanks. I really appreciate your helping reaching those I do *not* know so thanks for forwarding widely and please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or issues!