Posts Tagged with ‘education’
Thoughts From A “Retired” LAUSD Parent
19 Jan 2019The fallout of emptying one’s nest is not quite as expected. How long it takes to accumulate dishes enough to…
Tuck, Vanquished: Now Can We Please Have Some Real Reform By Eliminating Food And Overcrowding From Classrooms?
06 Nov 2014With the public’s kibosh on Marshall Tuck despite formidable backing this Tuesday, 11/4/14 past, support for Ed Privateers has been…
Our Own Effort Is The Common Thread In Democracy
23 Jun 2014I think some of those who moan loudest about the dissolution of the social fabric are themselves most complicit in…
What Is Reputation?
12 Aug 2013Is my child going to a good school? How do I know? How does my neighbor know? What constitutes a…
Why $1M, why now?
16 Feb 2013Here’s my random quickquide take as to why now, why so much: I think the “corporatizers” woke up recently and…